Individual Empowered Wellness






Āyurveda: Science of Life

Āyurveda is one of the oldest medical systems originating from India more than 5000 years ago. The word Āyurveda is typically translated as the science of life in that it describes all the events, changes and variations that may occur during one’s life. Traditional texts of Āyurveda were written in Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages of the world. This science focuses on promotion of health, prevention of disease and therapeutic methods to manage pathologies.

The traditional knowledge system of Āyurveda understands the workings of the human body in a similar way to that of the environment. The components which are present in the world around us can also be found in the body. Therefore, the concept of the Macrocosm (larger universe) is equal to the microcosm (individual person) was introduced. Expanding on this theory, the recognition of five elements i.e. space, air, fire, water and earth can be found in all matter in the universe including the construct of the human body. Understanding this link of similar composition, Āyurveda describes methods to use substances found in our surrounds to maintain one’s health. This includes the various food which maybe identified as either supportive or disturbing to an individual’s health.

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Guidelines for conducive diet and lifestyle factors are the basis for the maintenance of one’s health. As widely said food is your medicine.

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